Monday, December 7, 2009

Still Life Stew

Last week I started a still life project with my first graders based around the book, Still Life Stew. Our lesson began by reading this story and noticing all the vegetables students recognized and the colors they saw. The first step of this 3 day project was watercolor painting each of the 4 sections of their folded paper using Analogous Colors. I wanted first graders to be able to locate Analogous Colors on the color wheel an to see how they are used. This step took students the rest of the class period to complete but they already knew that these watercolor paintings would later be used for the vegetables.
This week we will weave a basket. Weaving is a great lesson to help children understand under and over and patterning. However, plain ole weaving can look a little boring so I'm thrilled that I figured out to make the weavings into a basket shape. Check back to see some examples of this step later in the week.

If you would like my complete lesson, please post a comment and I'll get it out to you.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pinwheels for Peace

September 21st was the International Day of Peace and I thought it would be a great meaningful way to introduce conflict resolution to my 1st and 2nd graders. Now that our activity is completed, Its fun to see everyone coming into school with their Peace Sign clothing and giving the peace sign hand signal to others in the hallway.

Check out the Pinwheels for Peace website and get on board for next year!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Second Full Week of School

The first week really flew by. My first and second graders have completed their Pinwheels for Peace project and today our school was decorated inside and out with their work. I used this to introduce Conflict Resolution and the strategies students can use to get off the Conflict Escalator. I'm happy to report this kick off activity was a hugh success and already have students thinking peace rather than fighting. Photos will come soon. This display will stay in place until after our Open Houses.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Start of School....It's almost here!

Hopefully with the start of school I can schedule time to keep up with my blogging here. I do have another blog that I'm a bit better at but having 2 is a challenge. With this blog I want to give you a day by day account of what the day in the life of being an art teacher is really like. Not just all the glamour and what is thought of as "easy" but the little known facts of report cards, assessments, orders and the incredibly fasinating....behavior issues! Stay tuned. There will be lots to share I'm sure.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Art

Gosh. This blog thing didn't get off the ground as expected but.......its a new day and I can try again! School is out for the summer and my mind is programmed to relax but I do have an Art After School group that will continue to meet over the summer. Its a small group. I like that. Frankly, I don't really have room for a big group.....I would like to maybe have one or two more but I'm not rushing to promote this. Good things start small.

Today we are going to look at the work of Georgia O"Keeffe. I love Georgia since she focused mostly on the smallest of things that could easily get over looked. I just returned from the grocery store and picked up some sunflowers and am about to go out and pick a few Stargazer lilies.....I have shells too that can be looked. Today is looking carefully, drawing down as much detail as you can and then begin the watercolor process. No rushing....just careful observation.